Monday, August 15, 2016

What are you dreaming about?

Gloves, check.
Tissues, check.
Ear buds, check.
Scalpel, check.
Screw driver, check.
Wrench, check.
I have been waiting all morning to do this and I can’t wait anymore. My kid has fallen asleep and now is the only time I can complete this task. Ninja mode, ACTIVATE! 

You might think I am working on some major mechanical project or a secret science project. And this is in some way a bit of both; I am just trying to get that stubborn little booger from my son’s nose which bothers me the most than him. I know it will just go away on its own by morning, I have tried to ignore it, but it is not so easy when it is just hanging there like a vine waiting for Tarzan to swing by; so does our dream. 

Throughout our life, we might dream of many things which make us worth the oxygen we use up in this world. Recently, one of my friends asked me why I am not doing anything with whatever bit of skill I have left and obviously my answer was, “But, my kids…” My friend stopped me right there and just said, “Aah! There lies the graveyard of your dreams!”

It is true though, I do have a graveyard of my dreams. You can always find my box of abandoned craft items, knitting needles, baking cups and a teen novel which consists of just two chapters where the hero has been left scratching his head not knowing what his next move should be for the past ten years.

Those dreams were fun while they lasted and some even surprised me that I could achieve some level of success in it. Like the one time I baked a cake and started calculating the cost of having a home-based bakery while my son was trying to find his face covered in cream. It was fun, but it wasn’t me. I wanted to be someone who could make every person know they are not alone in this world. And as a mother, I did a good job to hit that dream right on its head and bury it deep inside my own personal grave yard. I mean, who has the time when my child is standing there with poop in his hands. Don’t ask me how it got to his hands, I never know!

Now that I come to think of it, does it have to be a graveyard? Motherhood is a tricky business and no matter how much you try to keep it private, every single person’s nose will be stuck right into it. You’ll be left feeling guilty no matter how you choose to go through it. So why bury your dreams? Why not nurture it instead? Every skill in this world needs time and patience to perfect it. Why not use your time away from the busy commercial life to let your dreams take shape?

We live in a time where our worth, our dreams and our skills can be easily recognized. We have passed the generations who can actually blame their parents, children, spouses or their even their physical inability for reaching their goal. If we have to blame someone, we can blame ourselves and our battered old shovel which has all the blood stains of those murdered dreams.

So, make a change, throw away those old bones and start building your own nursery of all your discarded dreams. Let them nurture while you take care of more important things in your life right now. Because, when they bloom, you don’t need to yell or scream to get other’s attention, their scent is enough to attract the right crowd. 

Dream big, as long as those dreams have a root to stay strong. Be it a stubborn booger in your kid’s nose or the passion hidden in your own heart, don’t ignore, it is only there to grab your attention. 

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