Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pretending to be wise isn't always nice.

There are people whose adrenaline gushes through their body when they fall off a cliff, a plane, a building or their roof top. It is amazing to think how someone would choose to trust a rope than a mother screaming, "The roof is not strong enough, you idiot!" to her 30 year old son, who just replies, "YOLO, dude!" and plummets into eternal brain damage, not that he had much of an IQ before.

And then there are those who get their rush by just coming across this set of words. Sale, Discount, Half Off, Promotion and best of all "FREE". Everything that is free is a very essential thing that we just have to have for our past, present and future. But even the neediest person will avoid this, even if it is free. And that, my friend, is FREE ADVICE!

The world has changed and everyone has a very secure and closely watched personal space. Place a single toe on that perimeter and you will regret your birth. Some of us are just getting used to this generation's method of dealing with pain and depression. I am from an era where just one question "Are okay?" would open up even the most locked up hearts. It might be a story worse than twilight, but hey, you asked for it.

But now, even such a question, would be treated as "stepping out of line". If the words "none of your business" can hurt, then I'd probably be a walking dead zombie right now. So I would like to give you a free advice on how to curb your enthusiasm for giving free advice.

There are three types of people.
1. The ones who ask for your advice
2. The ones who just want a shoulder to cry
3. The ones who apparently are very passionate about us starting our own business and minding it. May be they really understand my potential like no one does. BANK LOAN, here I come!

The ones who ask for your advice are a dangerous type. You have to be very careful as there are chances of them dumping the consequences on you and run away when your advice backfires.

The ones who just want a shoulder to cry would look like they are seeking your advice and when you try to give them your piece of wisdom they will just answer, "That will not work! You don't understand me! Baaaaaaaaaah!". Well, that means you have to shut up and listen to them with occasional "OMG! Wow! Oh No! That's horrible!".

And now we come to the third type. It is very easy to judge people who need their space. But we never know what made them so secure in the first place. When these type of people share their problems with you, do not rush to solve them. If they do ask you for your opinion, think twice if your advice could in anyway bring any change. If the answer is no, then be honest and tell them you have no thoughts about this. Respect their personal space and they will respect yours.

Learn to stop jumping to the rescues you were never called for. Not everything that worries you needs your attention, not every person who looks worried needs your help and not every problem needs your solution. I can say that with confidence as one of the permanent members of 'Paranoid Mothers Club'. Even if you do stand in their shoes, you may not be as comfortable with their stench as they are and your experienced foot may never fit their shoe size. You have no idea where all they have stepped and how long they have traveled to come where they are right now. And a premature free advice would definitely taste worse than literally putting your own foot in your mouth. (I would appreciate it if you can respect my privacy and never ask me how I can compare the taste. Thank you.)

Wisdom is not the quantity of knowledge you hold, but the quality of presenting even a petty little fact in a way that can help others instead of pushing them further towards rock bottom. When you find a way to pinch your nose shut every time you hear someone sob and start lending your ears instead, consider yourself wise enough to wear a peruke (a powdered wig) and start quoting Shakespeare or maybe sit on mountain tops and do this.

And if someone asks you what made you to conquer the realms of your sanctity, tell them you live by the best advice in the history of advice, by the oracle of mankind, Michael Scott.

All comments are welcome.


  1. Well written free advice. The irony of ironies!

    Those Michael Scott words look as if taken from Atlas Shrugged.

  2. Irony is my symphony 😎

    And I am not sure about the origin of all the Michael Scott's life saving advices. You should probably ask the writers of 'the office for further information on that.
