Thursday, October 6, 2016

And the crowd goes wild

“Push! Push! Samantha, he is almost there.” said zack.

“AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am dying!” screamed Samantha.

“Push! It will be over in a minute Samantha.” said the doctor, her voice filled with confidence and experience.

The nurses chanted the same words. Zack felt like he was in a football stadium and the crowd was chanting their heroes’ name as the player ran to get that last penalty shot. Everyone in the room was sweating, praying, weeping and screaming. And his wife, Samantha, was doing all of this at a regular interval. 

Ignoring his conscience, he opened his mouth to say his final words.

“I understand your pain, Samantha, believe me, it will be over soon!”

There was a loud gasp! And everything came to a standstill.

The doctor held her chest, the nurses dropped everything they were holding, the crowd booed, the clock stopped ticking and he could swear his unborn baby just said, “Father, what have you done!”

“What was wrong with that?” would be the first question that popped up in your mind. But to an extremely feminist brain that sentence would bring a different question.

Let me ‘Rap’ it up for you.

“Excuse me! YOU understand WHAT??

My pain is not a lesson to be taught

Don’t you dare compare with the wars we have fought!

Na aaah, No uterus no opinions, hot shot."

Yeah! Feminism! You men are not better than us! Women rock!

But do we really? Is that what our fight is about? Who rocks? The word ‘Girl power’ is making me cringe as though someone asked me “do you want a zucchini cookie? It is so healthy!” NO! NO! The answer is always no. Get that vile stuff away from me, woman!

For centuries we have seen this argument on every TV channel, especially on the ones which have no idea how to get viewers to tune in. So they just bring every controversial topic and debate it out till they dehydrate themselves yelling passionately about things they absolutely don’t care in real life.

And the most debated topic is “who is better? Men or women” and the result is always that women are better than men. Not because they believe in that, it is usually because they don’t like to go home to a poisoned cake.

Being a woman (yes, I have my birth certificate to prove that), I totally understand our inclination towards feminism. For years women are mistreated, underestimated and not given proper recognition by the world. And we have fought a long, hard battle to be where we are right now.

Men used to believe that they don’t need women. Haven’t we already proved them wrong? We can produce Homo sapiens, like nobody’s business. Without us, men will be stuck talking ‘to’ footballs ‘about’ footballs.

But somehow, that doesn’t seem to quench the thirst for some women. They take it to the next level and start battling for the title of “better species”. And they treat men as though they were born to serve them. Here is the catch, ladies; there is only one winner in that field. And that would be the one who appreciates and accepts the value of the other. The real winner is the one who understand that we need each other to make one unshakeable team.

There are men out there who have always supported feminism, but sadly they are given as little attention as a toddler’s “stomach pain” when lunch is served.

We keep talking about what women want, what women should have, how women should be treated, but on those lines we forget we are turning ourselves into female chauvinists. We get hungry for more attention and more freedom that we fail to see the mess we create. 

We are ready to accept that men can’t do everything that women can do, but we strive so hard to prove that women can do everything that men can do. We jump up the minute they say something wrong, and drain their blood out of their body. We fail to register the fact that as long as one is afraid of the other there is no equality there.

Feminism shouldn’t be about who is better. It is should be about being equal, equally loved, equally cared, equally qualified, equally respected and equally responsible. So, the next time we widen our eyes and flare up our nostrils to charge at a man who is waving a white flag as high as possible. Let us ask ourselves, is this feminism or chauvinism.

But, if the man is just a moron who thinks women belong in kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Then you better kick him in the crotch and blame it on PMS. Period.


All comments are welcome.